Hello, my fellow Hogwarts students! My name is Milky. I'm wifey of the founder and an admin, so respect me! Only joking. But seriously, as of now, i'm pretty dedicated to the forum. My (only) character is Sunay Demir, so go read her CS on the Application forum if you want description and back story.
As for me? Well, i'm just your average (non-Hogwarts) student. I got into Harry Potter about five years ago and i've loved it ever since, reading (and re-reading and re-reading) the books, watching the movies, and writing fan fiction. So the typical HP fan, haha. Other than HP, i'm into anime, conventions, science, and music. As i mentioned before, i'm a good friend of the founder, as well as probably many of the other members (or soon-to-be-members!).
In conclusion,